Thanks a lot for your inform about it, and I have the same suspicious as you about this deadly move, that seems to be created for forces in the darkness, and for whom the people means absolutely nothing. We will see how it develops. Hopefully you are safe.

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Just like our 9/11 AND Pearl Harbor, this was allowed to happen.

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Appreciate your insight.

All war are bankers wars.

The banks have had hundreds of years to hone their capacity to hide their involvement until the dust settles when cui bono tells the truth.

May heaven you and yours from safe and out harms way.

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Notice that Hamas are "terrorists" when they retaliate against decades of murder by Israelis, but Israelis never are, even when their snipers sit and pick off women and children from a distance. Israelis have perpetrated horrors on the Palestinians, but that never gets reported--Israelis had kidnapped 10 Palestinian children in October alone. Regularly Israelis torch olive trees and kill Palestinians to steal their land, land that has decreased over the last 70 years to almost nothing because Israelis have seized it illegally. There is almost no Palestine left after 70 years of Israeli looting, starting with a genocide in 1947--they were barely in the country before launching a genocide against Palestinians. The UN recognizes Israel as an apartheid state, and Palestinians after 50 years are defending themselves.

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Here's a thought to ponder on:

The PRIMARY reason for the establishment of the state of Israel (and the Zionist movement by extension) was to concentrate as much of the global Jewish population as possible in one single place so that they could more easily be WIPED OUT!

In case you didn't know, the State of Israel and the entire Zionist movement was (and is to this day!) a project of the Rothschilds (who are NOT Jewish!).

Don't believe me? Here is one of them saying it in his own words!!


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Thank you for the update Efrat.

I am so sorry to hear about this atrocity. I hope all can keep safe on each side, and those abducted can be returned to their families. I will pray for you all.

It does smell quite fishy. Looking forward to future updates.

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Please stay safe Efrat!

Have you seen this video? Apparently this was broadcast on a Palestinian channel a mere few days ago. https://t.me/hitnagdoot/1595

I added English subtitles and uploaded it here: https://rumble.com/v3np6hm-the-hamas-attack-discussed-on-palestinian-tv-a-few-days-before-it-happened.html

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Thank you for your invaluable analysis Efrat..praying for peace in the Holy Land.

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Dear Efrat,

This is my first viewing of any of your posts. Excuse my ignorance of you until now. It was via a Sonia Elijah Substack I have learned of you. We are so very sorry for what you have described is another undeserved atrocity to Israel & Palestine, & I truly believe you are "on the right train of thought!!" There are so many unexplainable, more obvious weird things occurring since early 2020!! Yep, the unnecessary distraction of the Orchestrated Covid Debacle, The Climate Change Agenda, the Push for Digital ID/Surveillance on "little old citizens who would never hurt a flea," as we say here in Australia, plus the push for a Cashless Society! There is much more to this whole business, than meets the eye!

May God Bless & keep you & your Loved ones Safe. WE must pray for continued Freedom of Independent Media which all of our Govts are trying to squash as well??! Sick minded WEF/WHO/UN Control Freaks!! Sincere Warm Wishes, Carla. QLD, Australia.

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always follow the money. All Wars Are Bankers Wars- Mike Rivero (on bitchute)

fwiw-There have been major problems in the markets- bond market collapsing, last week people were worried that we were soon headed for collapse. As Gerald Celente says, when all else fails, they drag you to war.

Special Report: WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED! But NOTHING Is What It Seems To Be… Mannarino https://gregorymannarino.substack.com/p/special-report-war-has-been-declared “institutions knew this was going to occur, and that’s why money was pouring into stocks yesterday” also going to affect the bond market, money will flow into bonds, push yields lower, Question EVERYTHING!! When all else fails ,they bring us to war- war is positive for the stock market

Liquidity Crisis? No Problem, Just Start Another War! https://gregorymannarino.substack.com/p/liquidity-crisis-no-problem-just Also worth reading- to get the background on the looming liquidity crisis: https://gregorymannarino.substack.com/p/maximum-saturation (excellent explanation of what's going on in the global financial situation--the central bankers debt based monetary system is collapsing, overloaded with debt, war spending could prop it up for longer) IMO, the central banking cartel rules the world. They have captured all national governments by getting the power to issue national currencies created out of thin air and loaned to governments at interest. Central bankers have enslaved all national governments with debt. National leaders are puppets. The central bankers are behind the wars- they make money financing wars from all sides and the goal is to enslave nations with debt. They deliberately keep people/nations in conflict, so they can kick of a war as needed. Citizens slaughter each other while the central banking cartel gets wealthier and wealthier. All wars are based on deception and lies. We can never take anything at face value. Many wars are set of by false flags.

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Do not be embarrassed to talk about conspiracy theory. The only reason it happens is because governments and media lie, obfuscate, and gaslight. If they told the truth we would not have to wonder what is happening, but since they don't we have to dig for information and form theories to see if we can find out what is actually occurring

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Do you all want to know how this massive security breach happened? As with 9/11 done by Israel, all by DESIGN! Netanyahu aka Psychoyahoo and his Zionist mass murdering criminal conspirators planned it this way so they could have a new excuse to mass murder as many Palestinian civilians in their high rise apartment building homes being bombed into oblivion and into rubble and expel them from their ancestral lands as fast as possible always blaming Hamas as their usual excuse to commit war crimes and intentional genocide. They've done this before and they always repeat the same process and with the same lies. US and Israel will both vanish from this earth in coming WW3 WAR of Battle of Armageddon!!! Bible Revelation predicted it.

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Having known about the 9/11 false flag psy-op and the global covid fake pandemic psy-op, and all the other psy-ops, this was just so obvious. Reading your account was collaborating all my initial intuition on this. The “surprise attack” is laughable. That all the world, even all the people who should know better, is being focused on this is telling also. Distraction is always part of the play. Of course, with the Ukraine money laundering operation being potentially derailed by the dismissal of the Speaker of the House maybe they are starting a new money laundering excuse. I don’t know but I have been predicting a global war for two years as a means to cover up the millions of covid bioweapon injection murders. Feels like we’re getting close.

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fwiw- comment from someone in the IDF 20 years ago:


False flag!!! I’ll spare you the videos, but my morning started with my father sending me videos of IDF soldiers slaughtered in their barracks still in just their underwear, to which both of us as former service people ourselves immediately agreed that it’s im-fucking-possible! I did a service with IDF and have been to most bases in the south, and the ones close to the borders are always on highest level security alert: armed guards on towers 24/7 and all personnel are required to carry their personal weapons at all times… including sleeping with it literally under your mattress exactly for such situations! So how the hell could a group of Palestinians break into a base and make it all the way to the barracks unnoticed and unheard? I saw the media trying to sell a story that Iranians provided some equipment that jammed the electronically monitored fence, but any disturbance immediately notifies command and control center in Israel’s equivalent of the pentagon and someone would be immediately in touch with the bases’ commanders especially in the middle of the night. But even if that story is true, where were the night guards not to see the combatants approaching and alert everyone? With bases neutralized, there were no one to come to help the civilians in the area… how convenient.

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I hate and condemn all war, but I place the entire blame on the Israeli Leadership—not the trapped slaves on both sides of this bogus so-called war. Nothing good has ever evolved since Rothschild’s conception of the Israeli flag and illegal sprawling boarders. I hope for peace & security for all the “self-hating Jews” (a shit title given to “individuals” resisting the government’s tyranny and apartheid destroying what’s left of Palestine and surviving few). Let’s defund and end the military occupation of the rogue fascist government of Israel and then restore Palestine for✌🏽&🗽for all—sincerely.

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Free Palestine!

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