Outstanding interview!!! Alex Krainer is such a brilliant global analyst. His take on France, the banking oligarchy, CBDCs, and especially solutions we can take to counter these oligarchs is superb.

Also, I hadn't even heard of Efrat Fenigson's content-rich substack before today which I have now subscribed to and look forward to reading with much attention.

Gladly cross-posted.

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Alex is an interesting fellow for sure and uniquely qualified with his life experiences, both military and monetary. He's an accomplished person and I can see why you would want to feature him as a guest.

I'm really hoping to see someone present strategies and a real battle plan for surviving these impending events that many authors so expertly describe, but these presentations are mostly backward looking and do not provide your citizen readers instructions on what to do with savings, investments, real estate, citizenship.....how is success or 'winning' going to be measured?? What do you do first when your payroll is delivered in FEDNow? How much time do you have before your house payments must be transacted in digital money with an expiration date? How much time do we have before your 401(k) portfolio will vanish?

I would like a brave soul to speculate a bit with courage to lay out a financial battle. What about October 23 this year? Yes, these are difficult to game out, but that's why we read and listen to brilliant people who still have their health! Good program btw

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I have a rather low bar when deciding which "version" of the truth (truth has no versions) to assimilate. That bar is called the JQ, the jewish question.


As it turns out, they are the most expelled group of people in human history, and are perilously close to their next one. Except this time, they control the nefarious part of the world, good people recoil from.

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Thanks Alex as more and more people realise how the system has been captured by a small minority of very sick people who now want to intro a open slave system we have hope that by sharing the knowledge of what CBDCs are and the way they want to control every trans that you have to do day in day out people will put these criminals ina place that is fit for them KORF

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Dear Efrat,

I just found out about you and your Substack with this amazing interview with Alex Krainer, and have thus recommended your site and cross-posted the interview on my own Substack.

Your questions were outstanding which, in turn, produced outstanding answers by your guest.

I'd love to somehow connect with you and get your take on the situation in Israel - even if just informally. I am an independent investigative journalist based in Quebec, Canada. I also have my own Substack at fournier.substack.com.

I am also passionate about the chemtrails conspiracy and will read your related post attentively.

Salutations from La Belle Province in Canada (Quebec)!

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